Karakia Whakamutunga

Karakia Whakamutunga

Karakia mutunga mo Taonga

E tē Wāhi Ngaro e tuku atu mātou tenei reo whakawhetai whakamoemiti ki a koe mō tē putea i tukua mai ki tē whakatika ake i ngā nawe me ngā raruraru o ngā wahapū o te Waitemata, o Hauraki me Tīkapa Moana. Kei te haere tonu ngā whakawhetai mō aua kākano kua ruia mai e koe kia tino pai atu te oranga o te mauri o enei Moana tapu.

Nā reira e tē Wāhi Ngaro, kua ruia ngā kākano, kua puta nga kōrito o aua kākano, kua heke ngā pūtake, kua tupu tē kaupapa, tae noa ki tē whakatutukitanga i aianei Ko tenei tonu te whakawhetai te whakamoemiti i tou Ingoa Tapu me te whakahoki atu te kororia ki ā koe. Korōria ki Tou Ingoa Tapu mō enei manākitanga kua ūhia mai e koe ki runga i tenei kaupapa.

I te mea e anga atu nei ki te mutungā o tenei kaupapa, e inoi tonu atu nei ki a koe kia tau tonu mai Ou manākitanga ki runga i enei taonga wai kia ora pai ai tē mauri o enei moana mō ake tonu atu.

Mauri ora ki tē taiao mo enei Moana.
Kia tau tonu.

Closing Karakia for GIFT

Oh the Unseen One, we offer these words of thanks and praise for the funds that you have provided as seeding to assist in correcting the environmental issues on Hauraki harbour, the Waitemata and Tīkapa Moana. We continue to thank You for the seeds that have been sown to improve the Mauri of these treasured waters. Glory to your holy name for the blessings upon this project.

Therefore; these seeds have been sown, the new shoots have emerged, the roots have taken hold, that the programme has grown to achieve its original objectives – improving the wellness of these sacred waters. We continue to offer thanks and praise for these achievements to date.

As this programme now draws to a close we pray that your continued blessings will remain upon these treasured waters evermore.

Let excellent health dwell on these waters.

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